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Writer's pictureDebbi Wood

Review Of Strength Cards for Children by The Next Best Thing To Mummy

Updated: Jan 24, 2020

The cards are:- playful, graceful and socible; funny, honest and clever; helpful, cheerful and friendly; happy,sensible and sporty; thoughtful, generous and brave; intelligent, loving and respectful; caring, creative and wise; strong, musical and artistic.

Strength cards are designed to do what it ‘says on the tin’ give strength.

I feel that they would be a real asset to practitioners working in the early years sector, being especially helpful to anyone who has children in their care with a low self esteem.

Each card is durable and can be washed in warm soapy water meaning that they will last much longer than similar cards made from paper.

Debbie suggests (on another card) laying the cards on a table and asking a child to select 5 which she thinks represents her strengths, then talk together about her choices.

In addition the adult can ask the child how she is going to use each strength and then ask her to pick a card with a strength that she doesn’t think she has, but would like to get and discuss how she could get this strength.

As well as being used in a one-to-one situation, strength cards could be used in a group setting. Debbie suggests laying the cards face down. The group leader should pick a card and ask the children who in the class has that strength?

There are various ways that strength cards could be used: Personally I would them as a way to encourage a reluctant talker to speak as the colourful images give opportunity for conversation.

Debbie makes her strength cards by hand, each card is waterproof and has a colourful image that children will find appealing.

I think that strength cards could be used along side books and other resources demonstrating similar topics.

All early years settings would benefit from having a set and they would be especially helpful to anyone working as a special needs co-coordinator (S.E.N.C.O) plus Ofsted would be impressed by them.

The cards fit snugly into the drawstring bag for safe keeping.

Disclosure: I was sent the strength cards for the purpose of this review, but all opinions are my own.


The cards are:- playful, graceful and sociable; funny, honest and clever; helpful, cheerful and friendly; happy, sensible and sporty; thoughtful, generous and brave; intelligent, loving and respectful; caring, creative and wise; strong, musical and artistic..

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