Cushions, some featuring our award winning resources, now on a Cushion!
Our cushion's would be great in the quiet corner in the classroom, a counselling or therapist room, child’s bedroom, in the home or a professional setting it gives the child the opportunity to take a few minutes to calm, focus, self regulate emotions, boost self esteem & confidence.

Calm Cushion, designed based on our award winning resources showing
*Animal breathing techniques
*5,4,3,2,1 Grounding techniques
*Shape finger tracing breathing techniques
This cushion would be great in the quiet corner in the classroom, a counselling or therapist room, child’s bedroom, in the home or a professional setting it gives the child the opportunity to take a few minutes to calm, focus, self regulate emotions, boost self esteem & confidence.

Available in two designs
Cushion Cover
Book Pocket Cushion Cover
With or without cushion inners.

Check out our new Learning Cushion & Feelings Wheel Cushion

My Feelings Wheel Cushion
This cusion designed based on The Emotion Wheel is a fantastic resource to help an children to identify emotions & grow in self-awareness.
Being able to identify and label emotions is, an important step towards emotional literacy.
My Learning cushion
has numbers, shapes, colours and the alphabet for the child to read and learn about.

Class Cushion
Welcome your students to your class with a personalised
cushion in the quiet or reading area.
I am, Animal Strengths Cushion
Designed based on the award winning resources
Animal character strengths is a fantastic resource to help an children to identify their strengths & grow in self-awareness.

How do you feel today? Cushion
Designed based on the award winning resources
Emotion check-in Cushion, showing 7 different emotions so the child can select the one they are feeling & discuss the emotion with you.
Worry Cushion
Personalised Worry Cushions.

Cushion Covers with slight print errors/ marks -SECONDS
While learning how to sublimate print and press our cushions inhouse we had some that did not quite meet the grade we would like.
But they are prefectly good cushion covers with slight print errors, marks and so if you're happy with one like that, maybe as a spare cover or to use in the car check out our rejected cushion covers.